The Audacity to Dream Big – Aparna Mohla (encore episode)
Today’s guest is Aparna Mohla, one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met! When I first met her at SolarCity she was proceeded by her legendary reputation as the highest performing sales consultant in the company’s history. The records she set remain unbroken to this day yet she is incredibly humble and modest. This is part 1 of a 2 part interview in which we dive into her backstory, as that is the origin of who she is as a person. Originally from Mumbai India, Aparna shares how her life as a child helped to pave the way to make her the person she has become. Having loving and nurturing parents, but lacking what many would consider basic necessities like consistent water and electricity, Aparna always knew she could get more from life and her story reveals that her instincts were right. A master connector and relationship builder, Aparna is the type of person you will never forget once you meet. She has this incredible gift for winning over anyone she comes into contact with, and this gift has propelled her throughout her life, both personally and professionally. On this episode, Aparna offers advice for anyone wanting to get more out of life. This includes why she believes in having the audacity to dream big, the value of self-confidence, the importance of knowing your why, and having the grit and determination to never give up! We also learn how she defines happiness and being content, and how this ties into our goals and ambition. Aparna reveals that the one constant in her life is people and the human connection and that sometimes it’s the little things that matter most.
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